Saturday, February 20, 2021


 Standing on the rooftop, I am Juno, Ceres, 

Victoria, Minerva, Hecate, Iris, Diana –

wind in my hair, sun rising to greet me.

I contemplate flight over a city awakening,


scoping out freshly mown territory – 

looking for places to hide in plainest sight.

Simply clad in camouflage, blending in


with treetops, I am pleased with last year’s crops


but not content. Over and again, I rise victorious,


no ashes in sight, with wing expansion greater


than my own capacity for dreaming. Wise but


not without faults of jealousy, suspicion,


my body armor  never leaves my sight completely.


I carry torches and threats to morph you into


other forms if you double-cross me. I may


surprise you, arriving when you’re least prepared – 

with cryptic messages and leftover nectar dripping


from my fingertips. My eyes ablaze like silver moons,

and deadly as my aim is true, I do not suffer fools lightly.


Octopus Issue 8

August 2019